Our school takes pride in being a Big Shoulders Fund Plus school, participating in an innovative program that promotes the exchange of best practices, attracts and retains skilled educators and school leaders, and offers assistance and resources to expand our student reach and secure the long-term success of our school.

Big Shoulders Fund Influence
Principals work directly with Big Shoulders to create and implement plans to improve in key areas such as academics, student recruiting, fundraising, etc.
Principals work directly with Big Shoulders to create and implement plans to improve in key areas such as academics, student recruiting, fundraising, etc.
Principals work directly with Big Shoulders to monitor the success rates of academic programs, to ensure that professional development supports increasing success rates, and to identify and take action in areas needing improvement. Principals continue to lead their staffs and are responsible to maintain appropriate accreditations.
Principals and Business Managers work with Big Shoulders to approve budgets and large expenditures, create forecasts, etc. Schools continue to manage their finances – e.g., collections, bookkeeping, etc. The Principal is responsible for the school’s financial results.
Principals work directly with Big Shoulders to establish marketing and development/fundraising plans. Big Shoulders assists local staff in implementing the marketing and development plans through social media, annual appeals, etc.
Principals work directly with Big Shoulders to create and implement plans to improve in key areas such as academics, student recruiting, fundraising, etc.
Principals work directly with the Archdiocese on personnel matters; given that Principals and all other staff members are Archdiocesan employees and its personnel policies will be followed. All personnel-related policy questions are directed to Robert Bassett. Big Shoulders will be involved in Principal evaluations, and consulted as appropriate in other personnel matters.
Principals work directly with Big Shoulders to create and implement plans to improve in key areas such as academics, student recruiting, fundraising, etc.
Principals work directly with the Archdiocese, using established Archdiocesan protocols; the Archdiocesan facilities department continues to assist with school projects. All projects must be presented to and approved by both the Archdiocese and Big Shoulders, and life-safety projects are funded by the parties on a 50/50 basis.